4 Great Reasons to Hire IMAGINE for Post-Construction Cleaning Services

Your brand new strata building is ready or renovations are finally complete and the dust has settled… literally everywhere! From high ceilings to complex windows and staircases, post-construction clean-up is a big task, which is why it’s best left to professionals. If you’re looking for a local post-construction cleaning service in Vancouver, here are four […]

Make a Payment with Client Portal

To make an online payment through Client Portal click the following link; https://imaginemaintenanceltd.manageandpaymyaccount.com/ First time making a paying with Client Portal? You might find these steps helpful… 1 – Log into your client portal with your username and password. *If you don’t have a username and password, email [email protected] 2 – From the Home Page, […]

Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention starts with YOU! Ok I get it. That sounds like every piece of fire prevention propaganda out there, but that’s for good reason, it’s the truth! Canada has approximately 24,000 homes catch fire every year, 1/100 of those are fatal.  The leading cause in all preventable house fires is cooking equipment.  Smoking materials […]

How to Clean Pigeon Poop

According to a popular theory, pigeons don’t poop while in flight and can be quite selective when it comes to going number 2.  That’s why we see clusters of pigeon poop on the window sills, decks, statues or wherever those fussy little poopers are hanging out.   Some experts believe that pigeons don’t poop while in […]

5 Handy Tips to Remove Duct Tape Glue

Duct tape is the best ! it sticks to almost everything, it’s durable and that’s why we love it!  It’s the quick fix solution for, well, a lot of things.  There always seems to be a roll nearby.  It’s easy to use, but can be tricky to remove.  Once the tape is removed some adhesive […]

What’s the Best way to get Clean Windows?

This one may come as a surprise, especially if you have a mother like mine who’s been handed down the same toxic concoction of a window cleaning solution by family members for generations. These solutions usually include vinegar or ammonia (never both!) and give off quite a pungent aroma.  I could always smell the windows […]

5 Things You Never Knew About Pressure Washing

At first glance, pressure washing might seem like a simple weekend chore, but its complexities run quite deep. With over a decade of experience working with Vancouver’s homeowners and businesses, we’ve picked up a few facts everyone should know when looking for a professional pressure washing service.  1. More Power Is Not Better Pressure washing […]