Why Keeping Awnings Clean For These 3 Vancouver Coffee Shops Is So Important

Awnings give coffee shops and storefront businesses a unique look to match their brand and style. They come in different colours and patterns and are used for various reasons, such as improving a store’s curb appeal and providing shade. IMAGINE keeps awnings clean so coffee shops look inviting and appealing to customers. Here are three Vancouver cafes with unique awnings that make people want to go inside because it’s better outside. 1. Laudurée Ladurée combines its French design style with a hint of modern aesthetic to create an inviting, dream-like experience for its customers. This upscale boutique and tea salon is known for its macarons, delicious french pastries and its iconic shade of green. The Laudurée green was chosen for the walls of the first salon on the rue Royale, founded in 1862. Today we can experience that exact shade of green at the Laudurée on Robson street. Not only are the walls painted green, but their awnings match their iconic shade.  2. Thierry – Alberni Thierry gets its name from its founder and head pastry chef and chocolatier, Thierry Busset. The cafe is known for its macarons, cakes, and delicious pastries. There are currently 3 Thierry locations in Vancouver. The Alberni location has indoor seating, patio seating covered by beautiful awnings that match the exterior of the coffee shop, as well as extended patio seating because it’s always better outside.  3. Marché Mon Pitou Marché Mon Pitou is a French-inspired café, bistro, and specialty grocer that opened its doors in 2021. They offer brunch and a variety of delicious French baked goods. One customer said that the coffee shop gave off “the vibe that felt like we were in Paris without taking the plane.” The stripy awnings at this cafe add to the French aesthetic, matching the rest of its exterior.  Keeping Awnings Clean Every coffee shop has its unique awning style, enhancing the shop’s look. Keeping the exterior of cafes clean is important as it is the face of the business. Customers enjoy taking aesthetically pleasing photos of their coffees and pastries in front of clean exteriors. Call IMAGINE for a free estimate today, and we’ll take care of all your cleaning services, including window washing, awning cleaning, and power washing, and we’re here to help.

Your Awning Is The Canopy Of Your Brand

You’ve built your brand from scratch, laid out considerable cash, output kilowatts of personal energy, and have the best products and services around, so don’t let cleanliness be your downfall. Dirty awning can turn customers away. Have you ever been to a restaurant that had dirty restrooms? We’re sure you’d agree that it sullies the whole dining experience no matter how good the food is. We take in this kind of information subconsciously and consciously we make sweeping judgements all the time. A dirty washroom makes you wonder if everything behind the scenes is dirty and possibly unsafe and it may be sending the message of poor quality and low standards. What judgements do you think people make about dirty awnings? Awning Cleaning You may well have seen our awning cleaning teams working across Vancouver. Both smaller businesses and high end luxury stores both know the value of a clean awning. Cleaning an awning yourself may seem like a difficult task and in some cases, even for professionals, it is. It mostly comes down to what chemicals to use and on what kind of soiling, how to access the canopy, and whether there is a water source nearby. How long it has been since it was last cleaned also makes a difference when it comes to giving it a fresh clean. A professional awning cleaner deals with these issues so frequently that there’s very rarely an awning that can’t be cleaned. If after reading this, you notice that your awning could do with a tidy up, give our team a call to get a free quote, or schedule in your next awning cleaning appointment.

Easy ways to improve your home’s curb appeal

There are a million ways to improve your home’s curb appeal – where do you start? From awning cleaning to de-mossing, here are some easy ways to improve your home’s appearance. Doorstep Plants A simple potted plant at the entrance of your home can make a big difference. The contrast in colour against your painted or bricked walls gives your house a sense of style. A Pheasant’s Tail Grass (anemanthele lessoniana) is a great year-round option. The evergreen grasses thrive in sun or shade. Try two or three different plant pots to give the impression of a mature garden. Outdoor Lighting Lights aren’t just for Christmas. An outdoor light fitting on your home’s wall can look very stylish whilst also being a good security measure. Movement sensored lighting gives your home an added layer of security, although more often than not, it’s next door’s cat or a pesky raccoon that activates it. Path lighting can look very attractive and help you whilst you’re fumbling for your keys on a dark winter night. Clean Awning After a few years, glass or canvas awning can look tired and dated. A simple clean can make it look like-new again. Remember, pressure washing awning can damage it. If you have any doubts, simply book your awning in for a clean next time you get your windows washed. Our professionals have been restoring Vancouver awnings for years and know how to avoid damage. Fences Fences aren’t just for defining boundaries, they can be used decoratively. Try lining the pathway to your house with a short fence. Or a slightly taller one if you’d like to create an enclosed area for your pet to run around in. Front Door When you no longer feel happy with how your home looks, replacing the front door can make you feel as though you’ve completely renovated. Perhaps be brave and opt for a brightly coloured door. Maybe a regal red or pastel pink. De-moss Moss builds up very quickly on paved driveways and moist shaded areas. It can make your home look older than it is. Our exterior cleaning service gets rid of all moss surrounding your home. If you spend time making the outside of your home look nice, it would be a shame for that to be spoilt by some troublesome moss. Gutter cleaning is another good way to get rid of, or prevent, moss. A few small purchases and exterior maintenance will turn your home into the idyllic suburban home that will be the talk of the town. Never thought about getting your home’s gutter or awning cleaned? Get in touch with us to find out about our outdoor cleaning solutions.

The do’s and dont’s of awning cleaning

Avoid the most common mistake in awning cleaning and protect your investment. Awnings are a great addition to a home or business, they help control levels of light and sun exposure which keeps your home cooler, save on energy costs, and create a space for outdoor enjoyment protected from the elements. As they are on the outside of the home, they are susceptible over time to the elements, and require specific cleaning methods. DON’T As tempting as it may seem on youtube, avoid using a pressure washer on your awning if at all possible. On most commercially available pressure washers there is no gauge to indicate what pressure is being produced, leaving it up to the “feel” of the worker. The margin for error in using too high a pressure is too high. Imagine if our cars didn’t have speedometers and instead we had to “feel” how fast we were going, you would end up with a wide variety of travelling speeds. This alone makes the process inconsistent and unable to safety, and predictably duplicate the same result. Working a pressure washer from a ladder creates many challenges. Some awnings are quite deep, up to 10’ or more from the building to the leading edge. The nozzle of the pressure washer needs to be at a very specific angle to effectively clean, once the angle becomes to steep (caused by reaching out), less of the fan-pattern of the spray is in contact with the awning and can easily lead to scarring, or the embedding of a pattern into the material. When the awning is wet, it looks clean. When fabric is wet it appears darker and hides many imperfections in cleaning technique. Once the fabric is dry, technique is revealed. Visible spray patterns are a result of working too fast and using improper cleaning techniques. DO Use soft-clean techniques. As awnings age, the material can become thin and/or brittle, jumping straight into the harshest and strongest cleaning technique can tear and damage the awning. Use only manufacturer-approved cleaning products and old-fashioned elbow grease to gently remove dirt and algae. Apply a cleaning soap with a soft bristle brush and allow the soap to sit on the awning for a few minutes to penetrate. For deep algae penetration, especially on fabric awnings it may be necessary to clean both sides of the awning. Rinse with a garden hose and repeat as necessary. Following the full cleaning of the awning surface, apply a protective top coat to protect the awning from fading and to restore its original lustre. While the allure of a speedy result is appealing, pressure washing awnings simply has too many opportunities for errors. Following the soft-clean method you can expect a consistent result and enjoy your awning for many years to come.